
4L Hytrol Selective Lawn Weedkiller | Ready-to-Use Solution

Product Details
  • Selectively targets weeds, not lawn grass, destroying the vegetation and root of the plant.
  • Mecoprop-P and Dicamba based formula in a ready-to-use solution.
  • One 4 litre bottle treats up to 200 sq. meters.
  • Quickly eliminates common lawn weeds such as Dandelions, Broad-Leafed Dock, Nettles, Daisies, Trefoil, Clover, Sorrel and more...!
  • Supplied with a handy spray gun head and hose for easy application.
  • Download Material Safety Data Sheet here.

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Hytrol Selective Lawn Weedkiller + Patch Repair Grass Seed +
Price for all three: £27.70
Product Description
Hytrol Lawn Weedkiller (MAPP 16305) is a selective herbicide that specifically targets troublesome weeds. Use an a treatment for Broad-leafed Dock, Dandelions, Nettles, Common Sorrel, Lesser Trefoil, Daisies, White Clover and more. A Mecoprop-P and Dicamba formulation only kills weeds, not lawns. It’s an ideal treatment for established lawns and grassy areas within the garden or outdoor space. Supplied in a ready-to-use solution with a handy spray head and screw-on hose for easy application.


What HYTROL LAWN WEEDKILLER READY TO USE does: Controls most major lawn weeds including clover.
When to use: For use on lawns.
Use from Spring (April) to September on lawns that are actively growing.
Directions for Use:
Do not apply during windy conditions so that spray does not drift onto other plants.
Method of Application:
Ready to use applicator. Shake well before use.  Keep the sprayer 20cm from the target weeds. Point the nozzle at the weeds and squeeze. Ensure all the weed leaves are covered. For the majority of weeds, a single squeeze is sufficient. Scorching of grass can occur if more than one squeeze is applied to a given area. Re-treatment may be necessary for well established, difficult to control weeds. Allow an interval of at least 6 weeks between treatments. NOTE: DO NOT USE ON NEW-SOWN LAWNS FOR AT LEAST SIX MONTHS AFTER ESTABLISHMENT.
How to get the best results from HYTROL LAWN WEEDKILLER READY TO USE:
For maximum effect spray when the weeds have adequate leaf area to absorb the chemical. Apply when weeds are actively growing, and soil is moist. Following spraying, do not cut grass for at least one day after treatment and ideally leave the sprayed area uncut for as long as practicable, to allow the chemical sufficient action to be translocated from the leaf and throughout the plant to the roots. Control may be reduced if rain falls within 24 hours of application.
Disposal of Lawn Clippings:
The first four mowing of treated grass must be composted for six months before use as a mulch.HYTROL LAWN WEEDKILLER READY TO USE must not be used for purposes or in a manner not provided for on the label. DO NOT RE-USE EMPTY CONTAINER. Protect from frost. Wash hands after use.


Maximum individual dose: 500 ml product per 25 square metres.Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per season.


Protection during/in use:
Keep out of reach of children. Read label before use. Keep away from food, drink and animal feedstuffs. Do not breathe spray. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid contact with eyes. Use only in well ventilated areas. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.
Environmental Protection:
Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Do not empty into drains, dispose of this material in a safe way.
Storage & disposal:
KEEP PRODUCT IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. Dispose of contents/container to a household waste recycling centre as hazardous waste except for empty containers which can be disposed of by recycling. Contact your local council for details. PETS & CHILDREN: Once the treated area has dried they need not be excluded. HYTROL LAWN WEEDKILLER READY TO USE MAPP 16305 contains Mecoprop-P 3.75g/l (0.375%w/w) + Dicamba 0.4675g/l (0.0467% w/w) as the Potassium Salt as a ready to use solution.
Find our range of Weed-Killers here.
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